
Comparing risk-based fuel treatment prioritization with alternative strategies for enhancing protection and resource management objectives (2022)
Matthew P. Thompson; Kevin C. Vogler; Joe H. Scott; Carol Miller

System analysis of wildfire-water supply risk in Colorado, USA with Monte Carlo wildfire and rainfall simulation (2022)
Benjamin M. Gannon; Yu Wei; Matthew P. Thompson; Joe H. Scott; Karen C. Short

Integrating forest restoration, adaptation, and proactive fire management: Rogue River Basin case study (2021)
Kerry L. Metlen; Terry Fairbanks; Max Bennett; Jena Volpe; Bill Kuhn; Matthew P. Thompson; Jim Thrailkill; Michael Schindel; Don Helmbrecht; Joe H. Scott; Darren Borgias

Mapping forest canopy fuels in the western United States with LiDAR-Landsat covariance (2020)
Moran, C.J., C.A. Seielstad, and V.R. Kane

Wildfire Risk to Communities: Spatial datasets of wildfire risk for populated areas in the United States (2020)
Joe H. Scott; April Brough; Julie Gilbertson-Day; Gregory K. Dillon; Christopher Moran.

Wildfire Risk to Communities: Spatial datasets of landscape-wide wildfire risk components for the United States (2020)
Joe H. Scott; Julie Gilbertson-Day; Christopher Moran; Gregory K. Dillon; Karen C. Short; Kevin C. Vogler.

Spatial datasets of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the United States (2020)
Karen C. Short; Mark A. Finney; Kevin C. Vogler; Joe H. Scott; Julie Gilbertson-Day; Isaac C. Grenfell.

Pyromes of the conterminous United States (2020)
Karen C. Short; Isaac C. Grenfell; Karin L. Riley; Kevin C. Vogler.

A deterministic method for generating flame-length probabilities (2020)
Joe H. Scott.

Wildfire risk science facilitates adaptation of fire-prone social-ecological systems to the new fire reality (2020)
Christopher J. Dunn; Christopher D. O’Connor; Jesse Abrams; Matthew P. Thompson; Dave E. Calkin; James D. Johnston; Rick Stratton; Julie Gilbertson-Day.

Prototyping a geospatial atlas for wildfire planning and management (2020)
Matthew P. Thompson; Benjamin M. Gannon; Michael D. Caggiano; Christopher D. O’Connor; April Brough; Julie Gilbertson-Day; Joe H. Scott.

Deriving fire behavior metrics from UAS imagery (2019)
Moran, C.J., C.A. Seielstad, M.R. Cunningham, V. Hoff, R.A. Parsons, L. Queen, K. Sauerbrey, and T. Wallace

A model-based framework to evaluate alternative wildfire suppression strategies (2019)
Karin L. Riley; Matthew P. Thompson; Joe H. Scott; Julie W. Gilbertson-Day.

Designing operationally relevant daily large fire containment strategies (2019)
Yu Wei; Matthew P. Thompson; Joe H. Scott; Christopher D. O’Connor; Christopher J. Dunn.

A data-driven framework to identify and compare forest structure classes using LiDAR (2018)
Moran, C.J., E. Rowell, and C.A. Seielstad

Uncertainty and probability in wildfire management decision support, an example from the United States (2017)
Thompson, Matthew P.; David Calkin; Joe H. Scott; Michael Hand.

Capturing Spatiotemporal Variation in Wildfires for Improving Postwildfire Debris-Flow Hazard Assessments (2017)
Jessica R. Haas; Matthew P. Thompson; Anne Tillery; Joe H. Scott.

Examining alternative fuel management strategies and the relative contribution of National Forest System land to wildfire risk to adjacent homes – A pilot assessment on the Sierra National Forest, California, USA (2016)
Joe H. Scott, Matthew P. Thompson, and Julie Gilbertson-Day.

Spatial dataset of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the conterminous United States (2016)
Karen C. Short, Mark A. Finney, Joe H. Scott, Julie W. Gilbertson-Day, Isaac C. Grenfell.

Application of wildfire risk assessment results to wildfire response planning in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA (2016)
Matthew P. Thompson, Phil Bowden, April Brough, Joe H. Scott, Julie Gilbertson-Day, Alan H. Taylor, Jennifer Anderson, and Jessica Haas.

Integrating pixel- and polygon-based approaches to wildfire risk assessment: application to a high-value watershed on the Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado, USA (2016)
Matthew P. Thompson, Julie Gilbertson-Day, Joe H. Scott.

Quantifying the influence of previously burned areas on suppression effectiveness and avoided exposure: a case study of the Las Conchas Fire (2016)
Matthew P. Thompson, Patrick Freeborn, Jon D. Rieck, David E. Calkin, Julie W. Gilbertson-Day, Mark A. Cochrane, Michael S. Hand

The AmericaView classification methods accuracy comparison project: A rigorous approach for model selection (2015)
Lawrence, R.L. and C.J. Moran

Exploring how alternative mapping approaches influence fireshed assessment and human community exposure to wildfire (2015)
Joe H. Scott, Matthew P. Thompson, and Julie Gilbertson-Day.

Emerging concepts in wildfire risk assessment and management (2015)
Joe H. Scott and Matthew P. Thompson.

Development and application of a geospatial wildfire exposure and risk calculation tool (2015)
Matthew P. Thompson, Jessica R. Haas, Julie Gilbertson-Day, Joe H. Scott, Paul Langowski, Elisa Bowne, and David E. Calkin

Assessing the expected effects of wildfire on vegetation condition on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming, USA (2014)
Joe H. Scott, Donald J. Helmbrecht and Matthew P. Thompson.

Potential postwildfire debris-flow hazards–A prewildfire evaluation for the Sandia and Manzano Mountains and surrounding areas, central New Mexico (2014)
Anne C. Tillery, Jessica R. Haas, Lara W. Miller, Joe H. Scott and Matthew P. Thompson.

Wildfire exposure and fuel management on western US national forests (2014)
Alan A. Ager, Michelle A. Day, Charles W. McHugh, Karen Short, Julie Gilbertson-Day, Mark A. Finney, David E. Calkin

A wildfire risk assessment framework for land and resource management (2013)
Joe H. Scott, Matthew P. Thompson and Dave Calkin.

Assessing Watershed-Wildfire Risks on National Forest System Lands in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States (2013)
Matthew P. Thompson, Joe H. Scott, Paul G. Langowski, Julie W. Gilbertson-Day, Jessica R. Haas,  and Elise M. Bowne.

A polygon-based modeling approach to assess exposure of resources and assets to wildfire (2013)
Matthew P. Thompson, Joe H. Scott, Jeffrey D. Kaiden, and Julie Gilbertson-Day.

Integrated Wildfire Risk Assessment: Framework Development and Application on the Lewis and Clark National Forest in Montana, USA (2013)
Matthew P. Thompson, Joe H. Scott, Donald Helmbrecht, Dave Calkin.

Hazardous fuel treatments, suppression cost impacts, and risk mitigation (2013)
Matthew P. Thompson, Michael S. Hand, Julie W. Gilbertson-Day, Nicole M. Vaillant, Darek J. Nalle

Research and development supporting risk-based wildfire effects prediction for fuels and fire management: status and needs (2013)
Kevin Hyde, Matthew B. Dickinson, Gil Bohrer, David Calkin, Louisa Evers, Julie Gilbertson-Day, Tessa Nicolet, Kevin Ryan, Christina Tague.

Do mountain pine beetle outbreaks change the probability of active crown fire in lodgepole pine forests? (2012)
Comments by Moran, C.J. and M.A. Cochrane

Quantifying the threat of unsuppressed wildfires reaching adjacent wildland-urban interface on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming, USA (2012)
Joe H. Scott, Donald J. Helmbrecht, Sean A. Parks and Carol Miller.

Developing custom fire behavior fuel models from ecologically complex fuel structures for upper Atlantic Coastal Plain forests (2012)
Bernard R. Parresol, Joe H. Scott, Anne Andreu, Susan Prichard and Laurie Kurth.

Probabilistic assessment of wildfire hazard and municipal watershed exposure (2012)
Joe H. Scott, Don Helmbrecht, Matthew P. Thompson, David E. Calkin, Kate Marcille.

Estimation of wildfire size and risk changes due to fuels treatments (2012)
Cochrane, M.A., C.J. Moran, M. C. Wimberly, A.D. Baer, M.A. Finney, K.L. Beckendorf, J. Eidenshink, and Z. Zhu.

Wildfire risk and hazard: procedures for the first approximation (2010)
David E. Calkin, Alan A. Ager, Julie Gilbertson-Day, Joe H. Scott, and five others.

Advancing effects analysis for integrated, large-scale wildfire risk assessment (2011)
Matthew P. Thompson, David E. Calkin, Julie W. Gilbertson-Day, Alan A. Ager.

Integrated national-scale assessment of wildfire risk to human and ecological values (2011)
Matthew P. Thompson, David E. Calkin, Mark A. Finney, Alan A. Ager, Julie W. Gilbertson-Day

A comparative risk assessment framework for wildland fire management: the 2010 cohesive strategy science report (2011)
David E. Calkin, Alan A. Ager, Matthew P. Thompson, Mark A. Finney, Danny C. Lee, Thomas M. Quigley, Charles W. McHugh, Karin L. Riley, Julie M. Gilbertson-Day.

Nomographs for estimating surface fire behavior characteristics without a computer (2007)
Joe H. Scott

Effects of alternative treatments on canopy fuel characteristics in five conifer stands (2007)
Joe H. Scott and Elizabeth D. Reinhardt

Off the Richter: Magnitude and Intensity Scales for Wildland Fire (2006)
Joe H. Scott

Estimating canopy fuel characteristics in five conifer stands in the western United States using tree and stand measurements (2006)
Elizabeth D. Reinhardt, Joe H. Scott, Kathy Gray, and Robert E. Keane

An analytical framework for quantifying wildland fire risk and fuel treatment benefit  (2006)
Joe H. Scott

Comparison of crown fire modeling systems used in three fire management applications (2006)
Joe H. Scott

Standard fire behavior fuel models: A comprehensive set for use with Rothermel’s surface fire spread model (2005)
Joe H. Scott and Robert E. Burgan

Stereo Photo Guide for Estimating Canopy Fuel Characteristics in Conifer Stands (2005)
Joe H. Scott and Elizabeth D. Reinhardt

Estimating forest canopy bulk density using six indirect methods (2005)
Robert E. Keane, Elizabeth D. Reinhardt,  Joe H. Scott, Kathy Gray and James A. Reardon

Canopy fuel treatment standards for the wildland-urban interface (2003)
Joe H. Scott

Assessing crown fire potential by linking models of surface and crown fire behavior (2001)
Joe H. Scott and Elizabeth D. Reinhardt

Sensitivity analysis of a method for assessing crown fire hazard in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA (1998)
Joe H. Scott

Fuel reduction in residential and scenic forests: a comparison of three treatments in a western Montana ponderosa pine stand (1998)
Joe H. Scott

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